The general goal for young players is to have them training and playing on the full court by the age of 9 with the Kid’s green ball. Once the player is accustomed to the full court size with the green ball, they will then be able to move on to use regular tennis balls.

Multiple factors need to be considered when trying to determine when a player is ready to play on a full court with regular balls. These include athleticism, maturation rates, number of hours of training and competing, overall commitment to the sport, ability to learn, and competitive results. As a result of these factors, a small group of children may be capable of progressing faster.

Registration Day & Evaluations:   to be announced. 

Junior Lessons Schedule*

Classes:   Weekdays only, scheduled between 9:00-3:00 pm

Session # 1      to be announced.

Session # 2      to be announced.

* Final schedule and class times will be done after registration day and as per spots available – first come first serve.

Lessons fees are separate from Membership fees and for VTC members only (All children must be members of the Valois Tennis Club).

Membership fees:    Single junior membership fee $110/child Season May-October.  or children in a Family membership, fee:  $460 Season May–October.

Lesson fees:  dependable on the number of children registered and subject to change.

Also available, Private/semi-private lessons can be booked directly with the club Pro.